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ApplicationXtender Compliance - Screenshots

ApplicationXtender Compliance

Ensure compliancy with full document retention and enhanced audit reporting and management.

Easily access the Total Number of documents, pages, batches, and other statistics for each and all applications within your ApplicationXtender system.
Setup and manage one or multiple ApplicationXtender systems.
Easily access, and generate CSV data listings of audit events based on time frames, event types, which applications, and more.
Built in 24 hour and 30 day reports allow you to easily generate detailed reports with no modifications or setup needed.
Easily specify fixed dates or use a timeframe for your report, then narrow it down by the Events, Applications, Users or Groups you wish to include in your report.
Setup both Automatic and Manual Purging of your old audit records based on type and age of the record.
The Quick Status will give you a breakdown of what has occured in the last 24 hours in your ApplicationXtender system..
Easily view and recover documents or pages that have been deleted within your ApplicationXtender system.
Easily create powerful retention rules. You define the time till locking or purging documents.
Easily generate a detailed listing of all user permissions within your ApplicationXtender database. This includes both built in CM security or Windows Integrated security.

Image Mentor specializes in enhancing your Documentum ApplicationXtender document management system.
We offer a full range of products to manage, integrate and make your AppXtender imaging system fully compliant with all of your company and user needs.

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Updated: 11/01/2016